A few summers ago I was on vacation with the family. The morning after a miserable night in the hotel with coughing kids, I was up and into an Urgent Care. The doctor on call asked me if I had heard of the benefits of natural honey for coughs? I hadn't but LOVE the natural approach to just about everything so was of course all ears! He gave me a packet of studies to read up on about the overwhelming evidences for natural honey being more effective than every single over the counter AND prescription cough medicine. I went to the nearest Farmer's Market and bought some honey. We were able to sleep that night and I have used honey for coughs ever since. This year I decided to up the attack on coughing and am trying an all natural cough syrup with raw honey as it's base. It takes about 10 minutes, quicker than I can get in and out of Walgreens, and makes 1.5 pints of syrup. The total cost here is about $9. Here is my recipe and how to do it.
1 pt. of raw honey
1 orange
1 lemon
1/2 cup water
Slice the orange and lemon. Boil in water for 5 minutes to soften the skin and release the pulp. I mashed mine slightly with a plastic spoon.
Let the lemon and oranges sit in the water to cool slightly, about 5 minutes, then strain.
(My ratio is about 1/3 liquid to 2/3 honey, or 30% to 70%. Most recipes recommend not exceeding 50% water to 50% honey)
For Adults use, 1Tbs; children 50 pounds and over, 1 tsp; and children under 50 pounds, ½ tsp. May be taken four times a day or as needed.
You can also drink it in a cup of herbal tea as a nice way to soothe your throat and quiet your cough.
*This is recipe and blog is not intended to replace medical advice. Always talk to your doctor and discuss medical treatment, including home remedies, before use.
Some noteworthy notes:
* *DO NOT use honey for children under two years of age - there is a microorganism in honey, which is otherwise harmless for children age two and older, that can sometimes make infants ill because of their young digestive system. Alternatives include brown rice syrup, barley, and organic fruit syrups; as substitutions in the recipes use the same amount as honey.
* DO USE all natural raw honey if at all possible. It takes a little effort to find a good source, but is well worth your time. Natural raw honey is full of wonderful antibacterial properties and has been used for thousands of years for it's health benefits. Recent studies have shown the unusual antibacterial activity of honey, leading to a greater understanding of the ability of honey to kill pathogenic bacteria through several different mechanisms. In studies, honey was effective against many different drug resistant bacteria.
**DO NOT boil, microwave, or overheat your honey as it kills the good stuff in it and changes it's properties. (Think about it like you would the good bacterias in yogurt ;)
*DO Learn more about honey as a medicine. There are many many resources out there and reliable studies to read on the use of natural honey. Take the time to educate yourself so that you can make wise health choices for your family.
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